Author Archives: hwadmin

Raising Attainment and Improving Pupil Achievement – We need you!

Just like we give feedback to the children about what they do well at and their next steps, we would like to get some feedback from our parents about learning and teaching at Hawthornden. This is so we can continue to work on raising attainment and improving pupil engagement.

Please take time to share your experiences and thoughts by answering the questions on this online questionnaire. Click here to start answering the questions. 

Please complete this by Monday 30th May.

Thank you in advance for your time and working with us to make Hawthornden better. Remember our motto is ‘Learning today, tomorrow, forever’.

Fostering a Midlothian Child or Young Person

Please consider fostering a Midlothian child or young person. The council is always looking for foster carers for children and young people from 0-18-years-of-age.

Come along to informal drop-in sessions between April and November to find out more about foster care options; each tailored to fit in with the needs of the children, their families and you. Whatever your circumstances, you might be surprised how you can help and offer care to children looking for a home.

The fostering team will be on hand and you can chat too to one of our foster carers about the rewards that come with fostering with Midlothian Council.

Click here to find out more about the fostering drop-in sessions.

Our new Zen Den!

We have a brand new addition to our school – the Zen Den! This is a sensory room which we were able to get after successfully bidding for funding. It is filled with a multitude of lights, a ball pit and mats. Children can access the Zen Den to help them calm and focus themselves so they can be better prepared for learning and interacting with others.

Free Bicycle Maintenance and Repairs – 1/4/22

The Communities, Lifelong Learning and Employability (CLLE) team are coming to Hawthornden on the afternoon of Friday 1st April 2022 to offer free bicycle maintenance and repairs to our school community. Please come along!

More information is going to be e-mailed out to parents so keep an eye on your inbox!

💻1:1 Digital Devices – Parent/Carer Information and Agreement💻

As part of Midlothian Council’s Equipped for Learning programme, a digital device for learning is being provided to every child of school age. This is to ensure that all young people have access to the technology they need for learning, both at school and at home. At Hawthornden P1 will receive an i-pad and P2-7 will receive a Chromebook. These devices are now ready to be deployed to Primary schools, so a Parent/Carer agreement needs to be acknowledged by completing an online form. 

The link below is to a document which provides information about the digital devices. Included in the document is a link to the online Parent/Carer form where you can acknowledge your agreement. Please complete and submit this form so we have a record of your acknowledgement. Please complete one form per child.  Please complete this by Monday 21st February 2022. Your acknowledgement of this agreement is required prior to your child being able to take their device home. 

1:1 Digital Device Parent/Carer Information and Agreement Form

This information which includes the link to the agreement will be e-mailed/sent to you in a text message.

If you have any questions please contact Miss Lindsay, Hawthornden’s Digital  Leader, by emailing and she will be happy to communicate with you. Her working days are Monday and Tuesday. 


Adult Mental Health Support

We have been advised about a project funded by Surestart for the attention of our parents/carers who have children of primary school age. The project is aimed at  supporting those adults who feel they could benefit from some mental health support and would be held over 12 sessions. An example of what the project aims to do is help adults with anxiety, coping with stress and trauma amongst other things. If you feel you would like some support with your mental health please contact our school office on 0131 271 4600, so they can pass your details on for referral to our Depute Head Teacher. You can also e-mail the school at