Free School Meals & Clothing Grants

Free School Meals and Clothing Grants update (9 October – 22 December 2020)

Currently, BACS payments are set up for those families who qualified for free school meals based on the criteria applied during the lockdown and summer period. However, a number of changes are due to take place, please see below;

·       A payment covering the four week period from Monday 20th of September to Friday 16th of October was made on the 17th of September. The next payment to be made will cover the period from Tuesday 27th of October to Friday 20th of November.  This payment will be £39.90 per primary pupil and £43.70 per secondary pupil.

·       As of Monday 19 October any BACS payments made will not cover school holiday periods.

·      All P1-3 children will continue to be provided with a free packed lunch from our school meals service. In addition, from Monday 2 November children will be offered a hot option choice as part of their packed lunch menu. Your child’s school will provide you with details of the ordering system prior to this date.

·       For all other children and young people from P4-S6 who are entitled to free school meals, BACS payments will continue until further notice (with exception of school holiday periods).

·      Whilst there won’t be a traditional Christmas school lunch, the schools meals service are committed to providing a festive packed lunch theme.  This will take place from week beginning Monday 14 December and further details will follow.

·      Please consider applying for free school meals and school clothing grant, details below.  Alternatively, contact your child’s school if you have any further questions or concerns about the provision of school lunches/school clothing grant or if your financial circumstances have changed and you need additional advice and support.

·         If you are in extreme financial hardship you may want to apply to the Scottish Welfare Fund using link below;