P7 Transition – Family Information Session 3

Nearly 180 families managed to join Lasswade High School for session 2 of their family information sessions. LHS are pleased that so many found the session useful. The presentation has been posted on the school website for those who could not make it to session 2. Please do not hesitate to get in touch with them if you have any queries or questions. https://lasswadehsc.mgfl.net/

Session 3 is taking place on Thursday 3rd June 6.00pm – 6.45pm
The Zoom details for session 3 of the programme are:

Meeting ID: 979 6397 2156
Passcode: 850442

For more information on this read the letter from Mrs Brown, the Depute Head Teacher at Lasswade High School, here or download your own copy.

P7 Transition 2021 Family Information Session 3